Peaceable Hill Safety, Hunting, and Dog Handling Policies
Peaceable Hill Preserve LLC: Vermont Pheasant Hunting
Peaceable Hill has a simple set of policies which make our hunts safe and improve the overall enjoyment of your time spent with us. Prior to your hunt, we will review our field hunting policies with you including property boundaries, safe gun handling, field shooting positions, and what to expect from your handler and dog if you are on a handled hunt.
*We also have a required release form for you to read, print off, sign, and bring with you on your hunt.
Two shells maximum. Auto and pump shotguns are limited to two shells regardless of capacity. You do not need to plug your gun.
Shell Size: We allow 2-3/4" as the maximum shell size.
Shot Size: Shot size of #6 is the maximum allowed. Lead shot is allowed, but we encourage the use of non-lead ammunition.
Safety Glasses: Highly recommended.
Blaze Orange: A blaze orange garment is required. For maximum safety, we recommend that you wear a vest and hat.
Hunting Season: We offer field hunts beginning on September 1, and running through March.
Hunt Times: Our hunts are booked in 1/2 day segments. Morning hunts begin at 8:30 AM. We ask that you not arrive before 8 AM and we require the fields to be cleared by 12:00 PM. Afternoon hunts begin at 12:30 PM. We ask that you not arrive before 12:00 PM and we require the fields to be cleared by 4:00 PM.
Bird Tally: Hunters must return to the warming hut with all harvested birds. We will then give you the proper documentation for legal transportation of your harvest. No exceptions, please. Extra bird cost is $28/bird.
Bag Limits: Non-members are limited to the numbers of birds in your purchased package. If you chose to harvest additional birds, they will cost $28/bird.
Field Restrictions: Prior to your hunt, a Peaceable Hill representative will review your hunting area with you with visual and/or map reference. Hunters are required to stay within the boundaries established for your hunt.
Your dog is your best friend and ours, too. We encourage you to hunt with your own dog and we want him or her to enjoy Peaceable Hill as much as you do.
To help ensure the enjoyment of all visitors, we require that when not actively hunting, all dogs be on a leash at all times, or be kenneled or crated. We have a crate available in our warming hut so your best friend will be warm, dry, and comfortable.
Still have quesitons? Give us a call at (802) 897-5914