Memberships at Peaceable Hill Preserve
Becoming a member at Peaceable Hill Preserve offers several benefits and advantages for seasoned hunters, DIY dog trainers, and new hunters alike:
Quality Habitat: We maintain diverse and well-managed bird cover specifically designed for ring-necked pheasants. This ensures a higher likelihood of successful hunts for both dogs and hunters.
Guaranteed Opportunities: Our heathy, strong-flying birds can be especially appealing for those who want a more reliable hunting experience without the uncertainty of finding birds in the wild.
Handlers and Dogs: We offer an option to include experienced handlers and well-trained dogs to assist hunters during their outings. Handlers can provide valuable insights into hunting techniques and safety practices, while their dogs help to point, flush, and retrieve downed birds, significantly enhancing the overall hunting experience.
Convenience and Comfort: We provide convenience for hunters who prefer a comfortable and organized outing. This is particularly appealing for local hunters trying to squeeze in some extra time afield around their work schedule, as well as those visiting from out-of-town looking for a weekend getaway.
Social Experience: Becoming a member can be a great way to connect with other hunters who share the same passion for bird dogs, wingshooting, and the outdoor lifestyle. Throughout our season, we also host special shoots and other gatherings that foster a greater sense of community among members.
• $795.00 (includes tax) 25- or 50-bird package
• $954.00 (includes tax) without bird package
** 25 Pheasants: $850.00
** 50 Pheasants: $1,700.00
Our membership season runs from September to April each year (no carry over of birds to following year). Members are allowed to harvest four birds daily over limit. We offer residual bird hunts for members on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, with a 4-bird daily bag limit.
** Members receive a 10% discount on handled hunts and on guest hunt packages.
** Members-only reduced bird price $34.00 per bird